Cliente: Unilever
Agência: Ivoire | Oliver
Campanha: Cada U Faz o Bem | 2022
Agência: Ivoire | Oliver
Campanha: Cada U Faz o Bem | 2022
A campanha mundial "Cada U Faz o Bem" tem como objetivo comunicar os impactos positivos que algumas das principais marcas da Unilever tem exercido na sociedade. A ativação consistiu em um vídeo hero com as marcas Hellmann's, Knorr, Omo e Dove trazendo informações gerais de cada marca e conteúdos com mais detalhes nas redes sociais do grupo. Nesse projeto, atuei como designer gráfico, criando os desdobramentos para redes sociais a partir do vídeo hero e dos materiais gráficos institucionais de cada marca.
Client: Unilever
Agency: Ivoire| Oliver
Campaign: Each U Does Good | 2022
The global campaign "Each U Does Good" aims to communicate the positive impacts that some of Unilever's main brands have had on society. The activation consisted of a hero video with the Hellmann's, Knorr, Omo and Dove brands, bringing general information about each brand and more detailed content on the group's social media. In this project, I worked as a graphic designer, creating the developments for social media from the hero video and the institutional graphic materials of each brand.
Client: Unilever
Agency: Ivoire| Oliver
Campaign: Each U Does Good | 2022
The global campaign "Each U Does Good" aims to communicate the positive impacts that some of Unilever's main brands have had on society. The activation consisted of a hero video with the Hellmann's, Knorr, Omo and Dove brands, bringing general information about each brand and more detailed content on the group's social media. In this project, I worked as a graphic designer, creating the developments for social media from the hero video and the institutional graphic materials of each brand.

Video-Hero da campanha produzido pela Unilever